Bundle org.nuxeo.apidoc.webengine
About nuxeo-apidoc-webengine
This bundle provide a WebEngine API on top of the nuxeo-apidoc-core API.
Each object provided by the core layer is wrapped in a WebObject that is then associated with views.
The same WebEngine API can be used in 2 mode :
- embedded mode: can be embedded as frames, as it was embedded inside the JSF admin center, for instance
- full model: in /site/distribution/
Parent Documentation: ReadMe.md
About Explorer
These modules provide an API to browse the Nuxeo distribution tree:
- BundleGroup (maven group or artificial grouping) - Bundle - Component - Service - Extension Points - Contributions - Operations - Packages
The Nuxeo Distribution can be:
- live: in memory (meaning runtime introspection)
- persisted: saved in Nuxeo Repository as a tree of Documents
The following documentation items are also extracted:
- documentation that is built-in Nuxeo Runtime descriptors
- readme files that may be embedded inside the jar
What it can be used for
- browse you distribution
- check that a given contribution is deployed
- play with Nuxeo Runtime
The template
enables the nuxeo.conf propertyorg.nuxeo.apidoc.site.mode
and defines an anonymous user. The propertyorg.nuxeo.apidoc.site.mode
comes with a more user friendly design and hides the current "live" distribution from display and API.The template
disables the usualAdministrator
user creation at database initialization and adds a virtual admin user with nameapidocAdmin
, whose password can be changed using nuxeo.conf propertyorg.nuxeo.apidoc.apidocAdmin.password
This plugin is composed of 3 bundles:
- nuxeo-apidoc-core: for the low level API on the live runtime
- nuxeo-apidoc-repo: for the persistence of exported content on the Nuxeo repository
- nuxeo-apidoc-webengine: for JAX-RS API and Webview
No components.Packages
Maven Artifact
File | nuxeo-apidoc-webengine-18.0.0-patch-NXP-29565.jar |
Group Id | org.nuxeo.ecm.platform |
Artifact Id | nuxeo-apidoc-webengine |
Version | 18.0.0-patch-NXP-29565 |
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver
Created-By: Apache Maven
Built-By: anahide
Build-Jdk: 1.8.0_265
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 1
Bundle-Version: 0.0.1
Bundle-Name: nuxeo api documentation browser
Bundle-SymbolicName: org.nuxeo.apidoc.webengine;singleton:=true
Bundle-Vendor: Nuxeo
Nuxeo-Require: org.nuxeo.ecm.webengine.core,org.nuxeo.apidoc.core
Nuxeo-WebModule: org.nuxeo.apidoc.browse.ApiDocApplication
- Json Export Default Json serialization
- Json Graph Json dependency graph
- Json Contribution Stats Json statistics for contributions
- CSV Contribution Stats CSV statistics for contributions
Raw Data: Json Contribution Stats