Contribution org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.actions.widgettypes--widgets
In component org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.actions.widgettypes
inside nuxeo-platform-actions-jsf-10.10-HF33.jar /OSGI-INF/widgettypes-contrib.xml
You can influence this order by adding "require" tags in the containing component declaration, to make sure it is resolved after another component (see "Resolution Order" on components).
This contribution is part of XML component Extension Point
Extension point widgets of component LayoutStore.Registration Order
The registration order represents the order in which this contribution was registered on its target extention
This will impact the override/merge behaviour when it is implemented on the target service, and is useful for
proper customization of existing contributions.
You can influence this order by adding "require" tags in the containing component declaration, to make sure it is resolved after another component (see "Resolution Order" on components).
Contributed Items
XML Source
<extension point="widgets" target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.LayoutStore">
<widget name="actions_headerStyleClass" type="text">
<label mode="any">Header style class</label>
<label mode="any">
Style class for the header, displaying this
<widget name="actions_styleClass" type="text">
<label mode="any">Style class</label>
<label mode="any">
Style class for the global container div.
<widget name="actions_actionStyleClass" type="text">
<label mode="any">Action style class</label>
<label mode="any">
Style class for each action link.
<widget name="actions_addForm" type="checkbox">
<label mode="any">Add form</label>
<label mode="any">
If set to true, actions will be surrounded
by a form,
so there should be no other surrounding form.
This property is useful
when fancybox actions need to open a
popup in another form. Available
since 5.7, defaults to false.
<widget name="actions_useAjaxForm" type="checkbox">
<label mode="any">Use ajax actions</label>
<label mode="any">
If set to true, actions will be performed
using ajax.
Note that sometimes, selection actions will
require you to reload the
whole page for other elements than
the content view to be re-rendered,
so using ajax will not
be user friendly in these cases. Available from
5.7, defaults to false.
<widget name="actions_disableFiltered" type="checkbox">
<label mode="any">Disable filtered actions</label>
<label mode="any">
If set to true, actions will appear as disabled if
they are supposed to be filtered (instead of not being displayed at
all). Available from 5.7, defaults to false.
<widget name="actions_category" type="selectOneResource">
<label mode="any">Category</label>
<label mode="any">
The category of actions to use.
<mode value="edit_demo_preview">hidden</mode>
<properties widgetMode="edit">
<property name="required">true</property>
<properties mode="any">
<property name="resourceName">actionCategories</property>
<widget name="tabs_category" type="selectOneResource">
<label mode="any">Category</label>
<label mode="any">
The category of tabs to use.
<mode value="edit_demo_preview">hidden</mode>
<properties widgetMode="edit">
<property name="required">true</property>
<properties mode="any">
<property name="resourceName">tabCategories</property>
<widget name="actions_actionId" type="selectOneResource">
<label mode="any">Action</label>
<label mode="any">
The action to display.
<mode value="edit_demo_preview">hidden</mode>
<properties widgetMode="edit">
<property name="required">true</property>
<properties mode="any">
<property name="resourceName">actions</property>
<widget name="actions_overallDisplay" type="selectOneListbox">
<label mode="any">Overall display</label>
<label mode="any">
Overall display of actions.
<option itemLabel="Vertical block (default)" itemValue=""/>
<option itemLabel="Horizontal block" itemValue="horizontal_block"/>
<option itemLabel="Menu" itemValue="menu"/>
<option itemLabel="Rollover menu" itemValue="rollover_menu"/>
<widget name="tabs_overallDisplay" type="selectOneListbox">
<label mode="any">Overall display</label>
<label mode="any">
Overall display of tabs.
<option itemLabel="Horizontal block (default)" itemValue=""/>
<option itemLabel="Vertical block" itemValue="vertical_block"/>
<widget name="tabs_link_pattern" type="text">
<label mode="any">Link Pattern</label>
<label mode="any">
The document pattern to use for tabs links (optional). Available since 8.1.
<widget name="tabs_link_view" type="text">
<label mode="any">Link View</label>
<label mode="any">
The document pattern to use for tabs links (optional). Available since 8.1.
<widget name="tabs_hideSingleTab" type="checkbox">
<label mode="any">Hide single tab</label>
<label mode="any">
Boolean stating if the tabs bar should be hidden in case there is only one tab.
Defaults to false, available since 6.0.
<widget name="actions_maxActionsNumber" type="int">
<label mode="any">Maximum number of actions</label>
<label mode="any">
Integer indicating the maximum number of
actions to
display. When this limit is reached, other
actions are displayed in a
<widget name="actions_moreMenuLabel" type="text">
<label mode="any">Label for the "more" menu</label>