Contribution org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layouts.webapp.widgts--widgettypes
In component org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layouts.webapp.widgts
inside nuxeo-platform-webapp-base-11.4.jar /OSGI-INF/widgets-contrib.xml
You can influence this order by adding "require" tags in the containing component declaration, to make sure it is resolved after another component (see "Resolution Order" on components).
This contribution is part of XML component Extension Point
Extension point widgettypes of component WebLayoutManager.Registration Order
The registration order represents the order in which this contribution was registered on its target extention
This will impact the override/merge behaviour when it is implemented on the target service, and is useful for
proper customization of existing contributions.
You can influence this order by adding "require" tags in the containing component declaration, to make sure it is resolved after another component (see "Resolution Order" on components).
Contributed Items
XML Source
<extension point="widgettypes" target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.WebLayoutManager">
<widgetType name="life_cycle_transitions">
<title>Life cycle transitions</title>
This widget type displays a selection of available life cycle
given a life cycle state and a life cycle policy.
It requires the configuration of the first field to map to a String
value storing the chosen life cycle transition.
It needs the following properties configuration:
lifeCycleName: represents the life cycle from which to retrieve
the transitions.
currentLifeCycleState: the current state from where to start
finding the available transitions.
A standard definition could be:
<div class="pre">
<widget name="life_cycle_transitions"
<label mode="any"></label>
<properties widgetMode="edit">
</widget> </div>
<layouts mode="edit">
<layout name="life_cycle_transitions_widget_type_properties_edit">
<widget category="widgetTypeConf">required</widget>
<widget category="widgetTypeConf">styleClass</widget>
<widget name="lifeCycleName" type="text">
<label mode="any">Lifecycle name</label>
<label mode="any">
The lifecycle containing transitions to
<properties mode="any">
<property name="required">true</property>
<widget name="currentLifeCycleState" type="text">
<label mode="any">Current life cycle state</label>
<label mode="any">
The life cycle state to choose transitions
<properties mode="any">
<property name="required">true</property>
<property name="template">
<widgetType name="image">
The image widget displays a file uploader/editor in create or edit
mode, with additional message tag for errors, and an <img> tag
displaying the image in other modes.
width: the width of the img tag in view mode.
height: the height of the img tag in view mode.
<layouts mode="view">
<layout name="image_widget_type_properties_view">
<widget name="width" type="int">
<label mode="any">Width</label>
<widget name="height" type="text">
<label mode="any">Height</label>
<layouts mode="edit">
<layout name="image_widget_type_properties_edit">
<widget category="widgetTypeConf">required</widget>
<widget name="acceptedExtensions" type="text">
<label mode="any">Accepted extensions</label>
<label mode="any">
A comma separated list of supported file
extensions. Default value: '.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .tif,
.tiff, .psd, .raw, .ai, .svg, .ps, .eps, .epsi, .epsf, .xcf,
<property name="template">/widgets/image_widget_template.xhtml</property>