Platform Explorer / Nuxeo Platform 2021.56


This contribution is part of XML component inside nuxeo-platform-audio-jsf-2021.56.5.jar /OSGI-INF/layouts-contrib.xml

Extension Point

Extension point widgettypes of component WebLayoutManager.

Registration Order

The registration order represents the order in which this contribution was registered on its target extention point. This will impact the override/merge behaviour when it is implemented on the target service, and is useful for proper customization of existing contributions.
You can influence this order by adding "require" tags in the containing component declaration, to make sure it is resolved after another component (see "Resolution Order" on components).

Contributed Items

  • <widgetType name="audio_player">
            <title>Audio Player</title>
              <p>This widgets displays a html5 or flash audio player</p>
              <!-- set configuration not ready until Studio knows how to manage that
                kind of configuration -->
              <layouts mode="any">
                  <widget name="field_0" type="text">
                      <label mode="any">Bound document</label>
                      <label mode="any">
                        The bound document can be referenced using
                        an empty field definition in a form layout, or using the
                        equivalent expression "#{value}". In a listing layout, it
                        can be referenced by using the value "data".
                    <properties mode="any">
                      <property name="resourceName">fields</property>
                  <widget name="field_1" type="selectOneResource">
                      <label mode="any">File field binding</label>
                    <properties mode="any">
                      <property name="resourceName">fields</property>
                      <property name="list">false</property>
                      <property name="complex">false</property>
                      <propertyList name="supportedTypes">
              <layouts mode="view">
                <layout name="video_player_widget_type_properties_view">
                  <widget name="width" type="int">
                      <label mode="any">Width</label>
                      <label mode="any">
                        The width of the Audio player.
            <!-- no configurable properties -->
          <property name="template">
  • <widgetType name="audio_file">
            <title>Audio File</title>
                The audio widget displays a file uploader/editor in create or edit
                mode, with additional message tag for errors.
              <layouts mode="edit">
                <layout name="audio_file_widget_type_properties_edit">
                      <widget category="widgetTypeConf">required</widget>
                  <widget name="acceptedExtensions" type="text">
                      <label mode="any">Accepted extensions</label>
                      <label mode="any">
                        A comma separated list of supported file
                        extensions. Default value: '.mp3, .ogg, .oga, .flac, .m4a,
                        .aac, .ac3, .aif, .aiff, .aifc, .au, .snd, .asf, .wav'.
          <property name="template">/widgets/audio_file_widget_template.xhtml</property>

XML Source

<extension point="widgettypes" target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.WebLayoutManager">

    <widgetType name="audio_player">
        <title>Audio Player</title>
          <p>This widgets displays a html5 or flash audio player</p>
          <!-- set configuration not ready until Studio knows how to manage that
            kind of configuration -->
          <layouts mode="any">
              <widget name="field_0" type="text">
                  <label mode="any">Bound document</label>
                  <label mode="any">
                    The bound document can be referenced using
                    an empty field definition in a form layout, or using the
                    equivalent expression "#{value}". In a listing layout, it
                    can be referenced by using the value "data".
                <properties mode="any">
                  <property name="resourceName">fields</property>
              <widget name="field_1" type="selectOneResource">
                  <label mode="any">File field binding</label>
                <properties mode="any">
                  <property name="resourceName">fields</property>
                  <property name="list">false</property>
                  <property name="complex">false</property>
                  <propertyList name="supportedTypes">
          <layouts mode="view">
            <layout name="video_player_widget_type_properties_view">
              <widget name="width" type="int">
                  <label mode="any">Width</label>
                  <label mode="any">
                    The width of the Audio player.
        <!-- no configurable properties -->
      <property name="template">

    <widgetType name="audio_file">
        <title>Audio File</title>
            The audio widget displays a file uploader/editor in create or edit
            mode, with additional message tag for errors.
          <layouts mode="edit">
            <layout name="audio_file_widget_type_properties_edit">
                  <widget category="widgetTypeConf">required</widget>
              <widget name="acceptedExtensions" type="text">
                  <label mode="any">Accepted extensions</label>
                  <label mode="any">
                    A comma separated list of supported file
                    extensions. Default value: '.mp3, .ogg, .oga, .flac, .m4a,
                    .aac, .ac3, .aif, .aiff, .aifc, .au, .snd, .asf, .wav'.
      <property name="template">/widgets/audio_file_widget_template.xhtml</property>
