Bundle org.nuxeo.ecm.core.storage.binarymanager.s3
This addon implements a BinaryManager that stores binaries in a S3 bucket. For efficiency, a local disk cache (with limited size) is also used.
Be sure to protect your nuxeo.conf (readable only by the nuxeo user) as the file will have your AWS identifiers (unless you are using instance roles).
Mandatory Parameters
nuxeo.s3storage.bucket : the name of the S3 bucket (unique across all of Amazon, find something original!)
nuxeo.s3storage.awsid : your AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
nuxeo.s3storage.awssecret : your AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
If the awsid and/or awssecret are not set, the addon will try to use temporary credentials from the instance role (if any).
Optional Parameters
nuxeo.s3storage.region : the region code your S3 bucket will be placed in. For us-east-1 (the default), don't set this parameter For us-west-1 (Northern California), use us-west-1 For us-west-2 (Oregon), use us-west-2 For eu-west-1 (Ireland), use EU For ap-southeast-1 (Singapore), use ap-southeast-1 For ap-northeast-1 (Tokyo), use ap-northeast-1 For sa-east-1 (Sao Paulo), use sa-east-1
nuxeo.s3storage.cachesize : size of the local cache (default is 100MB).
nuxeo.s3storage.bucket_prefix : bucket prefix
nuxeo.s3storage.pathstyleaccess : if
, configures the client to use path-style access for all requests (default isfalse
Crypto Parameters
With S3, you have the option to store your data encrypted. Note that the local cache will NOT be encrypted.
The S3 binary manager can use a keystore containing a keypair, but there are a few caveats to be aware of :
The Sun/Oracle JDK doesn't always allow the AES256 cipher which the AWS SDK uses internally. Depending on the US export restrictions for your country, you may be able to modify your JDK to use AES256 by installing the "Java Cryptography Extension Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files". See this link to download the files and installation instructions.
Don't forget to specify the key algorithm if you create your keypair with the "keytool" command, as this won't work with the default (DSA). The S3 Binary Manager has been tested with a keystore generated with this command :
keytool -genkeypair -keystore </path/to/keystore/file> -alias <key alias> -storepass <keystore password> -keypass <key password> -dname <key distinguished name> -keyalg RSA
With all that preceded in mind, here are the crypto options (they are all mandatory once you specify a keystore) :
- nuxeo.s3storage.crypt.keystore.file : the absolute path to the keystore file
- nuxeo.s3storage.crypt.keystore.password : the keystore password
- nuxeo.s3storage.crypt.key.alias = the key alias
- nuxeo.s3storage.crypt.key.password = the key password
Server-side Encryption
S3 allows you to use server-side encryption to encrypt data at rest with keys managed by S3 itself. To activate-this mode, use:
- nuxeo.s3storage.crypt.serverside = true
See the related AWS documentation for more.
If you want to use Server-Side Encryption with AWS KMS–Managed Keys, specify your key id with:
- nuxeo.s3storage.crypt.kms.key = your-key-id
See the related AWS documentation for more.
Enable CloudFront Direct Download
Please, read carefully the CloudFront documentation to understand how you bind a CloudFront distribution to a S3 bucket. After you created a CloudFront distribution domain bound to your S3 repository. Accessing your objects is not restricted per default.
You have to enable the
restriction viewer access
(Look at Serving Private Content throught CloudFront), then each distribution URL must be signed to access the target object.You have to set the
Query String Forwarding and Caching
onall parameters
(Look at Configuring CloudFront to Cache Based on Query String Parameters) in order to correctly forwardContent Disposition
parameters to get a response with a correct filename.CloudFront Mandatory Parameters
S3 parameters (except
) are mandatory, additionally CloudFront requires some new ones:nuxeo.core.binarymanager=org.nuxeo.ecm.core.storage.sql.CloudFrontBinaryManager
: the absolute path of the private key file (.pem
). Read: Creating CloudFront Key Pairs for Your Trusted Signersnuxeo.s3storage.cloudfront.privKeyId
: the private key id.nuxeo.s3storage.cloudfront.distribDomain
: the distribution domain name.nuxeo.s3storage.cloudfront.protocol
: the prefered protocol (defaultHTTPS
: Enable a workaround to fix an error on CloudFront side (defaultfalse
mvn clean install
Running the unit tests requires some environment variables and System properties to be set, otherwise they are skipped.
Environment Variables
AWS_REGION=eu-west-3 AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=****** AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=****** AWS_ROLE_ARN=arn:aws:iam::783725821734:role/nuxeo-s3directupload-role
System Properties
mvn test \ -nsu \ -Dnuxeo.test.s3storage.bucket=nuxeo-platform-unit-tests \ -Dnuxeo.test.s3storage.transient.bucket=nuxeo-platform-unit-tests-transient \ -Dnuxeo.test.s3storage.policy.bucket=nuxeo-platform-unit-tests-policy \ -Dnuxeo.test.s3storage.bucket_prefix=BUCKET_PREFIX \ -Dnuxeo.test.s3storage.provider.test.bucket_prefix=TEST_BLOB_PROVIDER_PREFIX \ -Dnuxeo.test.s3storage.provider.other.bucket_prefix=OTHER_BLOB_PROVIDER_PREFIX
Install the Amazon S3 Online Storage Marketplace Package. Or manually copy the built artifacts into
and activate the "custom" template.About Nuxeo
Nuxeo dramatically improves how content-based applications are built, managed and deployed, making customers more agile, innovative and successful. Nuxeo provides a next generation, enterprise ready platform for building traditional and cutting-edge content oriented applications. Combining a powerful application development environment with SaaS-based tools and a modular architecture, the Nuxeo Platform and Products provide clear business value to some of the most recognizable brands including Verizon, Electronic Arts, Sharp, FICO, the U.S. Navy, and Boeing. Nuxeo is headquartered in New York and Paris. More information is available at www.nuxeo.com.
Resolution Order
You can influence this order by adding "require" tags in the component declaration, to make sure it is resolved after another component. It will also impact the order in which contributions are registered on their target extension point (see "Registration Order" on contributions).
- org.nuxeo.ecm.core.storage.cloud.managment.contrib
- org.nuxeo.ecm.core.storage.s3.config
- org.nuxeo.ecm.core.storage.cloud.requestcontroller.service.contrib
- org.nuxeo.ecm.core.storage.s3.bulk.config
Maven Artifact
File | nuxeo-core-binarymanager-s3-2023.16.12.jar |
Group Id | org.nuxeo.ecm.core |
Artifact Id | nuxeo-core-binarymanager-s3 |
Version | 2023.16.12 |
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver
Created-By: Apache Maven 3.9.6
Built-By: root
Build-Jdk: 17.0.11
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Version: 2023.16.12-t20240807-050707
Bundle-SymbolicName: org.nuxeo.ecm.core.storage.binarymanager.s3;singlet
Nuxeo-Component: OSGI-INF/s3binarymanager-managment-contrib.xml,OSGI-INF
- Json Export Default Json serialization
- Json Graph Json dependency graph
- Json Contribution Stats Json statistics for contributions
- CSV Contribution Stats CSV statistics for contributions
Raw Data: Json Contribution Stats