Platform Explorer / Nuxeo Platform 5.8

Contribution org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layouts.webapp.widgts--widgettypes

This contribution is part of XML component org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layouts.webapp.widgts inside nuxeo-platform-webapp-base-5.8.jar

Extension Point

Extension point widgettypes of component WebLayoutManager.

Contributed Items

  • <widgetType name="life_cycle_transitions">
            <title>Life cycle transitions</title>
              This widget type displays a selection of available life cycle
              given a life cycle state and a life cycle policy.
              It requires the configuration of the first field to map to a String
              value storing the chosen life cycle transition.
              It needs the following properties configuration:
                  lifeCycleName: represents the life cycle from which to retrieve
                  the transitions.
                  currentLifeCycleState: the current state from where to start
                  finding the available transitions.
              A standard definition could be:
              <div class="pre">
                &lt;widget name="life_cycle_transitions"
                &lt;label mode="any"&gt;&lt;/label&gt;
                &lt;properties widgetMode="edit"&gt;
                &lt;/widget&gt; </div>
              <layouts mode="edit">
                <layout name="life_cycle_transitions_widget_type_properties_edit">
                      <widget category="widgetTypeConf">required</widget>
                      <widget category="widgetTypeConf">styleClass</widget>
                  <widget name="lifeCycleName" type="text">
                      <label mode="any">Lifecycle name</label>
                      <label mode="any">
                        The lifecycle containing transitions to
                    <properties mode="any">
                      <property name="required">true</property>
                  <widget name="currentLifeCycleState" type="text">
                      <label mode="any">Current life cycle state</label>
                      <label mode="any">
                        The life cycle state to choose transitions
                    <properties mode="any">
                      <property name="required">true</property>
          <property name="template">

    This widget type displays a selection of available life cycle transitions given a life cycle state and a life cycle policy. It requires the configuration of the first field to map to a String value storing the chosen life cycle transition. It needs the following properties configuration: A standard definition could be:

  • <widgetType name="image">
                The image widget displays a file uploader/editor in create or edit
                mode, with additional message tag for errors, and an &lt;img&gt; tag
                displaying the image in other modes.
                width: the width of the img tag in view mode.
                height: the height of the img tag in view mode.
              <layouts mode="view">
                <layout name="image_widget_type_properties_view">
                  <widget name="width" type="int">
                      <label mode="any">Width</label>
                  <widget name="height" type="text">
                      <label mode="any">Height</label>
              <layouts mode="edit">
                <layout name="image_widget_type_properties_edit">
                      <widget category="widgetTypeConf">required</widget>
                  <widget name="acceptedExtensions" type="text">
                      <label mode="any">Accepted extensions</label>
                      <label mode="any">
                        A comma separated list of supported file
                        extensions. Default value: '.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .tif,
                        .tiff, .psd, .raw, .ai, .svg, .ps, .eps, .epsi, .epsf, .xcf,
          <property name="template">/widgets/image_widget_template.xhtml</property>

XML Source

<extension point="widgettypes" target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.WebLayoutManager">

    <widgetType name="life_cycle_transitions">
        <title>Life cycle transitions</title>
          This widget type displays a selection of available life cycle
          given a life cycle state and a life cycle policy.
          It requires the configuration of the first field to map to a String
          value storing the chosen life cycle transition.
          It needs the following properties configuration:
              lifeCycleName: represents the life cycle from which to retrieve
              the transitions.
              currentLifeCycleState: the current state from where to start
              finding the available transitions.
          A standard definition could be:
          <div class="pre">
            &lt;widget name="life_cycle_transitions"
            &lt;label mode="any"&gt;&lt;/label&gt;
            &lt;properties widgetMode="edit"&gt;
            &lt;/widget&gt; </div>
          <layouts mode="edit">
            <layout name="life_cycle_transitions_widget_type_properties_edit">
                  <widget category="widgetTypeConf">required</widget>
                  <widget category="widgetTypeConf">styleClass</widget>
              <widget name="lifeCycleName" type="text">
                  <label mode="any">Lifecycle name</label>
                  <label mode="any">
                    The lifecycle containing transitions to
                <properties mode="any">
                  <property name="required">true</property>
              <widget name="currentLifeCycleState" type="text">
                  <label mode="any">Current life cycle state</label>
                  <label mode="any">
                    The life cycle state to choose transitions
                <properties mode="any">
                  <property name="required">true</property>
      <property name="template">


    <widgetType name="image">
            The image widget displays a file uploader/editor in create or edit
            mode, with additional message tag for errors, and an &lt;img&gt; tag
            displaying the image in other modes.
            width: the width of the img tag in view mode.
            height: the height of the img tag in view mode.
          <layouts mode="view">
            <layout name="image_widget_type_properties_view">
              <widget name="width" type="int">
                  <label mode="any">Width</label>
              <widget name="height" type="text">
                  <label mode="any">Height</label>
          <layouts mode="edit">
            <layout name="image_widget_type_properties_edit">
                  <widget category="widgetTypeConf">required</widget>
              <widget name="acceptedExtensions" type="text">
                  <label mode="any">Accepted extensions</label>
                  <label mode="any">
                    A comma separated list of supported file
                    extensions. Default value: '.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .tif,
                    .tiff, .psd, .raw, .ai, .svg, .ps, .eps, .epsi, .epsf, .xcf,
      <property name="template">/widgets/image_widget_template.xhtml</property>
