In component
inside nuxeo-platform-faceted-search-jsf-6.0.jar
This contribution is part of XML component Extension Point
Extension point widgettypes of component WebLayoutManager.Contributed Items
XML Source
<extension point="widgettypes" target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.forms.layout.WebLayoutManager">
<widgetType name="faceted_search_users_suggestion">
<!-- deprecated since 5.7 , the widget type "multipleUsersSuggestion" is used instead-->
Widget allowing to search and select one or more users with a suggestion
<property name="template">
<widgetType name="faceted_search_wrapper">
<!-- deprecated since 5.7 , a widget of type "container" is used instead-->
Template widget dedicated to wrap other sub widgets. It displays the
widget label, and list the sub widgets below according to the
wrapperMode. The sub widgets can use 3 wrapperMode (to be defined in the
sub widget properties): - row: the sub widget label is displayed on one
row, and the sub widget content on another row. - column: the sub widget
label and content are displayed on the same row - noLabel: the sub
widget label is not displayed at all.
<property name="template">
<widgetType name="all_saved_faceted_searches_selector">
Since 5.7
Widget displaying all the saved faceted searches. It displays 3
search categories: - Your searches: your saved faceted searches - All searches:
all the other users shared saved faceted searches - Contributed searches:
all contributed searches (content views with faceted search flag)
The "outcome" property needs to be defined: on which JSF view should we
redirect after selecting a saved search.
<property name="template">
<widgetType name="faceted_search_directory_tree">
<!-- deprecated since 5.7 , the widget type "select_l10n_vocabulary_tree" is used instead-->
Widget allowing to select one or more values from a Tree constructed
from the directory tree specified in the directoryTreeName property.
<widget name="dc_coverage" type="faceted_search_directory_tree">
<label mode="any"></label>
<properties widgetMode="any">
<property name="directoryTreeName">byCoverageNavigation</property>
<property name="wrapperMode">noLabel</property>
<property name="template">